give life changing oppourtunities
There are 30 million orphans in India. 165 million people live in poverty on $2.15 per day. We’re on a mission to give life changing opportunities to women and children in need. Join us! Together, we can provide education, support orphanages, and empower communities.
Give with confidence
We are a registered charity in Canada!
Charity Registration Number: 784035909 RR 0001

Together, we can give life-changing opportunities to the orphaned and destitute in India by providing access to education, supporting orphanages and breaking cycles of poverty.

The Fazl Foundation is committed to uplifting the poorest of the poor and promoting community development in India. By leveraging the arts, we seek to bridge cultural gaps and share powerful testimonies of transformation with the world .

The Himalayan Children's Troupe showcases the vibrant traditions of North India, putting on an unforgettable performance. Book us and have a chance to meet the children and witness their incredible songs and dances and hear stories of transformation.